Monday, May 9, 2011


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This tut was written by me on May 4-2011
all materials used where shares from
groups I belong to...don’t know who the
owners are copyright infrigement intended.
I use PSP version9 but this should work for all pluggins were used for this tut.You
can email me for the zipped materials until I can
figure out how to add them to the blog or use
what you have to create this tag.
Let’s begin
Colors used foreground-ccd4de
drop shadow used throughout...V2 H-2 Op 100 Blur4
1-Open the materials to use for this tut and minimize.
2-Open new image 500x400 flood fill with gradient made from the colors above
Angle 0/Repeats0/Stlye Linear.
3-Open tube 69 (the background tube) copy and paste onto your work.
4-Copy /paste the Sdivine tube and place as shown in my tag, reducing the tube by 70%
all layers not checked...add the drop shadow above
5-Open butterfly tube,copy/paste onto work ..see mine for position or
place where you like..duplicate this tube 2x for a total of 3 and
position on the tag.
6-X out all layers except the butterfly layers ..make sure one of the butterfly layers
is selected and merge visible. Duplicate this layer 2x for a total of 3. You may
open all layers now...but go back and highlight the first merged butterflies
and go to Adjust/add remove noise/add noise/uniform selected/Noise20/
Monochrome selected. Repeat this with the next butterfly layer
and put noise at 25 and with the next with noise at 30.
7-New layer add all copyrights and your watermark.
8-Open animation shop.....back to psp highlight background layer
and close the 1st 2 butterfly layers/copy/merged
and paste as a new layer in Ani shop—back in psp close this
butterfly layer /open the next one /copymerged and paste after current frame
repeat with the last butterfly layer making sure to close the one you just used.
9-Back in Anishop view animation......I always view the animation
to make sure all is ok.....if you are satisfied save as a gif.
Hope you enjoyed this simple animated tag.
For the zipped file of the materials you can email
me at

This tut was written by me on March 23-2011
any ressemblance to other tuts is purely coincidental.
All material used by me was a share in my psp
groups no copyright infringement intended.
 no plugins used for this tag
I use PSP 9 and Animation Shop
This is an easy animated  tut even for beginners

Let's begin
1- Open supplies in PSP ....Open new layer 600x600 flood fill with white, add a new raster layer ...choose a color from your tube ( I used d2d1d6) fill your work area, layers/add mask from image/Diane Mask Hallowe’en /layers /merge group.
2. Copy and paste the tube , add drop shadow of V minus1 H-minus2 Op 50 Blur 0 Color black.
3.Layers duplicate 2x for a total of 3. Highlight your first tube layer , with freehand selection tool Mode Replace, Feather 0 with finger on Shift go around all the flowers and buds....if you make an error you can always start over. Next go to adjust/add-remove noise 20% Gaussian and Monochrome selected..go to next tube layer repeat noise at 25% and to the next layer at 30%. Select none.
4.Add your watermark and any info to the tag. Highlight background layer and close off the two top layers....copy merged and paste into animation shop as a new layer.......close off this layer and open next layer copy merged and paste after current frame ,go back to PSP and repeat with last layer of tube.....view animation and if you are satisfied save as gif.
5. To reduce size go to Edit/Select all/Animation/Resize animation to 66% or whatever size you prefer.. Save your tag and you are done...Hope you enjoyed this simple animated tag.

for the supplies used in this tut please email me
at the addy below and put PERFUME MAKERS
in the subject line so I can spot it quickly.....if you do
this tut I would love to see your can also
email them to me at the addy below....huggles,Janis


This tut was written by me on March 22,2011
and any ressemblance to other
tuts is purely coincidental.
I used the Scrap kit by CinnamonScraps
CS-I Love Spring taggers size
the tube was a share and I don’t know
who the owner is .
The font used for my name is Country Alphabet
and it was a share in a group.

Let’s begin!
1-Open a new image 600x600 I like to work on a large surface (we will resize later)
flood fill with white.Open brush 1 and resize to 70% copy/paste as a new layer.
2-Open frame 7 copy/paste as a new layer-add a drop shadow of choice (I
used V-0 H-2 Op-70 Blur-0 black.
3- Open paper 2 and minimize for now.With magic wand -mode replace
RGB value-Tolerance10 Feather 0 Contiguous and anti-alias checked
click insid of heart/selections/modify/expand by 5-add new layer,
flood fill with your paper 2 scaled down to 42 angle 0/layer arrange /move down.
4-Hide white background layer , highlight heart layer ,merge visible.
5- Open circle scatters resize to 60-copy/paste over heart, drop shadow as before.
Open wordart 4 resize to 46% copy/paste ,add same drop shadow as before. Open
tube of choice or mine and copy/paste see my tag for position, same drop shadow.
6- Open flowers 1-2 and 3 or flowers of choice resize to 36% copy/paste (see my tag
for placement) add drop shadow...if you use different flowers you might
have to adjust the size to fit nicely...Open ladybug tube resize to 30%, copy/paste
onto work, drop shadow. Layers merge all..Add copyright info if any, I have added
the info and have it as a tube for you to add to the tag..add your watermark and
save as jpeg.. I resized mine to 66% and adjust/ sharpen.
Add your name and you are done...
Hope you enjoyed this tut!

for the materials used for this tut please email me
and put FLOWERS FOR YOU in the subject line
so I can spot it quickly and forward it to you..
if anyone knows how to put zipped files in a blogspot
please email me and let me know... if you want to share
your version of this tag I would love
to see it at the addy below

Janis M. Plourde

This tut was written by me on March 23-2011
any ressemblance to others is purely coincidental
Supplies are in zip file
All tubes I use are ones I got in sharing groups.
This is a beginner tut no pluggins used.

Let’s begin
1-Open the supplies, minimize the mask and flowers for now. Open a new image 600x600
(we will resize later) pick a color from your tube (I chose C1d483 ) flood fill your work area.
2 Layers/new raster layer flood fill with white. Layers- new mask layer from image (dmsk0637) source luminance and invert data checked–layers/merge group. Copy /paste your tube add a drop
shadow of V1 H-1 OP 50 BLUR 0 color black.
3.Open flower tube copy/paste onto work place below tube add same drop shadow, layers duplicate/image mirror,...(you might have to adjust to fit into position here especially if you are
using a different flower tube)
4.Add wordart, layers/merge all, adjust/sharpen/ add watermark and save as jpeg. You’re done.
Would love to see your creations, you can email
them to me at the address below...

for all the supplies for this tut please
email me and put BEING A FRIEND
in the subject line so I can spot it quickly
if I ever figure out how to add the zipped supplies
in this blog I will do so...thanks for understanding

This tut was written by me on March 23,2011
any ressemblance to other tuts is purely coincidental.
I have used tubes shared on the net, the lady tube is by Donna
the lace Desinz by Suzy the mask by Wee Scots Lass
the box of roses tube by Cher Switz and the floral
spray by CJ
no plugins used in this tut

Open all tubes /shift D and close originals
it is easy enough for a beginner.
If you have any questions you can email me at
1.Open new raster layer 600x600, flood fill with color e59983. Layers new raster layer /flood fill with white/layers /new mask layer from image-apply mask WLS_mask223/layers merge group.
2.Open lace tube delete creator and background layers/copy/paste over the mask layer add a drop shadow of V minus1 H 1 OP 50 Blur1 color black.Copy/paste floral spray tube , resize to 76%, adjust sharpen, add drop shadow as above, open tube 1psp tube (roses) copy/paste resize as spray and place over spray add drop shadow..........copy/paste CherSwitz box pink roses place into position (see my tag for placement) add drop shadow. When you are satisfied merge all layers.
3.Add your watermark and any info if you use copyrighted tubes. Save as a Jpeg and resize...I have resized mine to 66% then sharpen. Hope you enjoyed this tut. Janis

For the materials used in this tut please email me as I don't know
how to put them here in this blog
Put VINTAGE ROSE BEAUTY in the subject line so I can spot your
request easily ,thanks